Separació de poders
Passa a moltes feines. El client es fica en el nostre terreny i el criteri professional no impera. El tòpic diu que el dissenyador és capritxós i decideix segons gust personal però crec que ara és justament a l'inrevés. Molts dissenyadors reflexionen bé què li convé al client i exposen els seus motius de les seves decisions. Però ara sovint és el client qui imposa la seva decisió sense donar explicacions. El bon feedback és el que explica què es pot millorar i deixa que sigui el dissenyador qui dóni la solució. Però sovint el client té problemes per verbalitzar la seva impressió i opta per proposar ell la solució. La pime per falta de coneixement, la multinacional per relegar el disseny, per ignorància o per personalisme, el cas és que hem arribat a donar per "normal" la situació. Però no ho és.
La solució no és dissenyar millor
La solució de fons no és fàcil ni ràpida: saber distingir la valoració amateur de la professional. No són el mateix, no tenen el mateix pes ni han de tenir el mateix rol. Hem de reclamar la separació de poders, educar al client sobre el rol de cadascú. Educar al client vol dir educar la societat a valorar el professional de cada cosa i a seguir fent pedagogia de disseny. El coll d'ampolla per pujar la qualitat del disseny no és la qualitat dels dissenyadors (encara menys la quantitat) sinó la qualitat dels clients i dels encàrrecs. A millor tasca del BCD millors projectes recollirà l'ADG-FAD. El nou Laus empresa és una bona idea.
Disseny post-client
La crisi ha fet que molts estudis hagin pres la iniciativa i hagin engegat projectes propis, i molts estudiants que en sortir de l'escola s'han trobat sense feina han fet el mateix. Potser la solució no serà l'evolució sinó la revolució del paradigma però probablement és més un complement que una substitució del model, sempre necessitarem un espai de col·laboració amb els clients.
Disseny post-client
La crisi ha fet que molts estudis hagin pres la iniciativa i hagin engegat projectes propis, i molts estudiants que en sortir de l'escola s'han trobat sense feina han fet el mateix. Potser la solució no serà l'evolució sinó la revolució del paradigma però probablement és més un complement que una substitució del model, sempre necessitarem un espai de col·laboració amb els clients.
Potser és idealista però crec que algun dia ens semblarà mentida que durant tants anys el dissenyador hagués de treballar amb aquesta poca autoritat. Quan jo era petit era normal llençar els papers a terra i conduïr moto sense casc.
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[ english version ]
Separation of powers
It happens to many jobs. The client steps in our domain and professional judgment does not prevail. The cliché says that designers are capricious and decide according to their personal taste but I think now is precisely the opposite. Many designers really think about the client needs and explain the reasons behind their proposal. But as is often the client who imposes his decision without explanation. The positive feedback points aout what can be improved and let the designer provide the solution. But often the client has trouble verbalizing their impressions and he decide to propose a solution themselves. SMEs due to lack of knowledge, multinationals relegating design, be it for ignorance or personalism, the fact is that we have come consider this a "normal" situation. But it's not.
The best solution is designed
The fundamental solution is neither easy nor fast: to distinguish the amateur from the professional assessment. They are not the same, they shouldn't have the same impact neither the same role. We should reclaim the separation of powers and educate the client about the role of each side. Educate the client means educating society to value the professional and continue to promote design. The bottleneck to raise the design quality is no longer the quality of the designers (not to mention quantity) but the client and comission quality. A better job of BCD will bring better projects to ADG-FAD. The new Laus company award is a good idea.
Design Post-client
The crisis has led many studies have to take the initiative and start their own projects, and many students who leave school without a job have choose that way as well. Maybe the solution is not evolution but the revolution of the paradigm but we will always need a space for collaboration with clients.
Maybe it's idealistic but I think someday we won't believe that for so many years the designer had to work with this lack of authority. When I was a child it was normal to throw papers on the street and driving a motorcycle without a helmet.
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[ english version ]
Separation of powers
It happens to many jobs. The client steps in our domain and professional judgment does not prevail. The cliché says that designers are capricious and decide according to their personal taste but I think now is precisely the opposite. Many designers really think about the client needs and explain the reasons behind their proposal. But as is often the client who imposes his decision without explanation. The positive feedback points aout what can be improved and let the designer provide the solution. But often the client has trouble verbalizing their impressions and he decide to propose a solution themselves. SMEs due to lack of knowledge, multinationals relegating design, be it for ignorance or personalism, the fact is that we have come consider this a "normal" situation. But it's not.
The best solution is designed
The fundamental solution is neither easy nor fast: to distinguish the amateur from the professional assessment. They are not the same, they shouldn't have the same impact neither the same role. We should reclaim the separation of powers and educate the client about the role of each side. Educate the client means educating society to value the professional and continue to promote design. The bottleneck to raise the design quality is no longer the quality of the designers (not to mention quantity) but the client and comission quality. A better job of BCD will bring better projects to ADG-FAD. The new Laus company award is a good idea.
Design Post-client
The crisis has led many studies have to take the initiative and start their own projects, and many students who leave school without a job have choose that way as well. Maybe the solution is not evolution but the revolution of the paradigm but we will always need a space for collaboration with clients.
Maybe it's idealistic but I think someday we won't believe that for so many years the designer had to work with this lack of authority. When I was a child it was normal to throw papers on the street and driving a motorcycle without a helmet.