Recullo les 10 conclusions d'un estudi de
Humantific amb diverses universitats per entendre el procés mental dels dissenyadors, comparant-lo a cops amb el procés d'estudiants de direcció empresarial:
Finding 1 This research predates and debunks the 2009 academic theory that thinking attributes (“reliability”, “validity”, etc) can be rigidly pre-assigned to individuals or teams based on discipline labels such as design, designer or business, business manager.
Finding 2 Some students in design schools have the same thinking preferences as some students in business schools and vice-versa.
Finding 3 Professors and students are generally unaware of how radically different design process approaches are from one person to another.
Finding 4 Many students of design/innovation are not accustomed to externalizing their thinking process.
Finding 5 For numerous students in this study, design thinking jumps off from a framed problem defined by a brief. Often there was no process activity upstream from the brief.
Finding 6 Design thinking processes often appear very different visually while similar fundamental steps can often be found within. Some steps appear universal, others situational.
Finding 7 Most design thinking processes seen here have assumptions embedded that outcomes will be product or service creation.
Finding 8 Most design thinking process models seen in this study contain no reference to behaviors.
Finding 9 This research makes visible why the orchestration of design innovation work remains complex and a key challenge for teams and organizations.
Finding 10 This research suggests that real tools and visually shareable results are extremely useful in moving understanding and dialogue regarding integrative thinking beyond stereotypical notions of design thinking and business thinking.
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